The world lies in chaos. Dictatorships are again on the rise. In addition, many democracies around the world began to move closer to authoritarianism via attacks on elections, media, and civil liberties. Autocratization continues to adapt and evolve, marked by the growing use of polarisation as a political strategy, the continuing rise of misinformation, and the surge in military coups, plus a resurgence of imperialism as observed with the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian regime. This collection by artist and futurist Grailmaster explores not just the inner world of these dictators, but also the state of our collective human mind; a probing conversation of the troubling global landscape of democracy and autocracy.

Vladimir Putin 15 768 - Transylvanian Memories.png

Abdel Fattah El-Sisi 1 768 - A life forgotten.png

Abdel Fattah El-Sisi 2 406x570 - Emptiness.png

Alexander Lukashenko 03 640 - Absentus.png

Ali Khamenei 01 768 - Mirror Mirror.png

Ali Khamenei 02 768 - Egghead.png

Ali Khamenei 03 640 - Thinking Womens Rights.png

Bashar al-Assad 01 640 - The Proud.png

Bashar al-Assad 02 512 - Bashar has a heart.png

Bashar al-Assad 03 512 - The final hour.png

Bashar al-Assad 04 512 - Vlad Assad.png

Bashar al-Assad 05 512 - Dawn.png

Donald Trump 01 512 - The chosen one.png

Donald Trump 02 768 - Rewriting the constitution.png

Donald Trump 04 768 - Church and State.png

Donald Trump 06 768 - Before the Shower.png

Donald Trump 08 768 - MAGA Mob.png

Donald Trump 07 768 - Surpreme Court.png

Donald Trump 09 768 - Donaldores Army .png

Donald Trump 11 768 - GOP Elephants.png

Donald Trump 12 768 - OnlyFans.png

Donald Trump 13 768 - MAGA rally.png

Donald Trump 15 768 - Storming the Capitol.png

Donald Trump 17 -512 - Hillary and the presidential debate 2016.png

Donald Trump 18 768 - Memories.png

Ilham Aliyev 01 640 - Chess.png

Ilham Aliyev 01 640 - Direction.png

José Daniel Ortega 01 768 - Wholly Trinity.png

José Daniel Ortega 02 768 - I see you.png

José Daniel Ortega 03 768 - One second.png

José Daniel Ortega 04 768 - El Presidente.png

Kim Jong-un 02 640 - Swine.png

Kim Jong-un 01 640 - Left and right hand of darkness.png

Kim Jong-un 03 640 - Explaining Nietsche.png

King Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud, 01 512 - The poor King.png

Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud 1 768 - The Falcon Prince.png

Kim Jong-un 04 640 - Tiny Dancer.png

Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud 2 491x767 - Watching you.png

Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud 6 - 478x768 - The Prince exaggerates.png

Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud 4 417x532 - Mood.png

Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud 7 768 - Monday.png

Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud 8 768 - Tuesday.png

Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud 9 - 439x590 - Serenity.png

Nicolás Maduro 02 640 - Conquest.png